Perry Mason

Saga Policier

# Titre du livre Année Moyenne (nbre votes)
couv 1 Sur la corde raide / Perry Mason et les griffes de velours / L'avocat accusé (The Case of the Velvet Claws)

1 vote
couv 2 La jeune fille boudeuse (The Case of the Sulky Girl)

1 vote
couv 3 Jeu de jambes (The Case of the Lucky Legs)

1 vote
couv 4 Coups de crocs (The Case of the Howling Dog)

2 votes
couv 5 L'Épouse épouvantée / L'Épouse trop curieuse (The Case of the Curious Bride)
1935 -
couv 6 Le borgne bizarre (The case of the counterfeit eye)

1 vote
couv 7 Un chat pour client (The case of the caretaker's cat)

1 vote
couv 10 La veuve vigilante (The Case of the Dangerous Dowager)
1937 -
couv 11 Le canari boiteux (The case of the lame canari)

1 vote
couv 12 Visages de rechange (The case of the substitute face)
1949 -
couv 15 Crime en deux temps (The case of the roling bones)
1949 -
couv 18 Le mari fantôme (The case of the haunted husband)
1950 -
couv 20 Le canard qui se noie (The Case of the Drowning Duck)

1 vote
couv 21 La langue au chat... (The Case of the Careless Kitten)

2 votes
couv 22 La pendule enterrée (The case of the buried clock)
1945 -
couv 23 Le Moustique flemmard (The Case of the Drowsy Mosquito)
1943 -
couv 24 La bougie bancale (The case of the crooked candle)

1 vote
couv 25 La blonde au coquard (The case of the black-eyed blonde)
1950 -
couv 26 Poisson en péril (The Case of the Golddigger's Purse)
1945 -
couv 29 La danseuse et le cheval (The case of the fan-dancer's horse)
1947 -
couv 32 La vierge vagabonde (The case of the vagabond virgin)

1 vote
couv 33 Le Bigame innocent (The Case of the Dubious Bridegroom)
1949 -
couv 35 La nymphe négligente, tome 35 (The Case of the Negligent Nymph)
1950 -
couv 37 Les doigts de flamme (The case of the fiery fingers)
1951 -
couv 38 L'amoureux agressif (The case of the angry mourner)
1952 -
couv 39 Le vison mité (The case of the moth-eaten mink)
1954 -
couv 40 Gare au gorille (The Case of the Grinning Gorilla)
1952 -
couv 42 La vamp aux yeux verts (The Case of the Green-Eyed Sister)
1953 -
couv 45 La rousse se remue (The case of the restless redhead)
1955 -
couv 46 La nudiste navrée (The case of the sun bather's diary)

1 vote
couv 47 Le fantôme a du sex appeal (The case of the glamorous ghost)
1956 -
couv 50 L'entôleuse émotive (The case of the gilded lily)
1957 -
couv 51 L'accusée accomplie (The case of the demure defendant)
1957 -
couv 52 Le mari menteur (The case of the screaming woman)
1958 -
couv 53 Le chauffard chanceux (The case of the lucky loser)
1957 -
couv 54 Un fieffé filou (The case of the daring decoy)
1958 -
couv 56 Trois poupées perfides (The case of the long-legged model)
1958 -
couv 57 Le modèle meurtri (The case of the calendar girl)
1959 -
couv 58 Carrousel de calibres (The case of the singing skirt)

1 vote
couv 60 L'horrible hypothèse (The case of the deadly toy)
1959 -
couv 61 Satyre au sang (The case of the waylaid wolf)
1960 -
couv 62 Piège pour Perry (The case of the duplicate daughter)
1960 -
couv 64 Sombre samedi (The Case of the Spurious Spinster )
1961 -
couv 66 Le faux frey (The case of the reluctant model)
1962 -
couv 67 Curieux contrat (The case of the blonde bonanza)
1963 -
couv 68 Au grand galop (The case of the ice cold hands)

1 vote
couv 69 Menace de mariage (The case of the amorous aunt)
1964 -
couv 70 Au Mauvais Moment (The Case of the Step-Daughter's Secret )
1963 -
couv 71 Le sosie suspect (The case of the mischievous doll)
1963 -
couv 72 La fortune fantôme (The case of the phantom fortune)
1965 -
couv 73 Les héritiers horrifiés (The case of the horrified heirs)
1965 -
couv 74 Divorce à la diable (The case of the daring divorcee)
1964 -
couv 76 L'inquiétante ingénue (The case of the beautiful beggar)
1966 -
couv 77 La serveuse soucieuse (The case of the worried waitress)
1967 -
couv 81 Le bain de barbelés (The case of the fenced-in woman)
1970 -
Moyenne de tous les livres de la saga 15.8

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