Buffy The Vampire Slayer, season 9, book 01: Freefall, part 1
Andrew Chambliss, Georges Jeanty et Joss Whedon2011




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With the destruction of the seed, the fight against twilight was brought to an end, and magic's connection to our earth was severed. No more slayers will be chosen. No more slayer army. No more gang: Buffy's a waitress in San Francisco; Dawn and Xander are attempting normal domesticity, Willow is struggling with the loss of her powers. It's a new(ish) world, but there are still demons and vampires to slay_ evenas their popularity with the masses continue to grow_ and Buffy is on the point to do what she has always done... She is the Slayer.

3 éditions pour ce livre

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2011 Editions Dark Horse

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 40 pages

2011 Editions Dark Horse

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 40 pages

2011 Editions Dark Horse

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 40 pages

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1 commentaire

  • skyangel Le 25 Octobre 2011 à 09:23
    On retrouve tous notre gang (enfin ceux qui ont survecu au fil des batailles. Début un peu chaotique me qui prend forme.

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